
Bourbon Quality

At Bourbon, we ensure the quality of our coffee through rigorous and innovative methods, backed by a specialized team and projects such as fermentation and the food safety seal.
Our dedicated team and modern infrastructure ensure that each grain meets the highest standards of excellence, reflecting our ongoing commitment to quality.

Our structure




Technical team made up of
quality and certification


Employees in general, from the office
to the dry processing plants


Coffee producers throughout Brazil
(Bourbon partners)


Quality Contest


Laboratories and purchasing offices
in the different regions where
Bourbon operates


Own dry processing plants and one
leased for classification procedures


Importers and roasters

Our team

Bourbon trains and encourages professionals to work together to meet the demands of many importers and roasters around the world.

Our employees are involved in the entire operation, with the constant aim of providing the best coffees.


Coffee fermentation is a technique that has been studied for some years and several protocols have been developed to date

After years of research carried out in partnership with leading names in the industry, Bourbon has concluded that the use of Selvatech yeast powder in the fermentation process offers the most consistent results.

Made from wild microorganisms from the coffee microbiota, Selvatech ensures that the sensory profile of fermented coffee is intensified, bringing out more complex notes in the flavor.

The following sensory impacts can be defined: intense aroma with fruity notes, intense and pleasant acidity and fruity, ripe fruit and liquor flavors.

With a protocol already defined, we expanded the fermentation project on the farms

2021 2 farms brewed coffee with us
2022 6 farms brewed coffee with us
2023 16 farms brewed coffee with us
2024 32 farms brewed coffee with us

Bourbon  protocol

Through the Bourbon fermentation protocol, we advise our producers on sanitizing the equipment, selecting the coffee, preparing the yeast, the fermentation process, drying and storing the fermented coffees.
In addition to the guidelines, Bourbon undertakes to deliver the yeast and pay an extra bonus as a premium per bag. In return, the producers participate in Bourbon's orientation, keep the fermentation process documented from start to finish and guarantee strict compliance with the protocol.

Selo de Segurança de Alimentos

O intuito da Bourbon é apoiar seus fornecedores de produto e serviço a agir neste tempo onde a cultura de Segurança de Alimentos tem sido muito discutida e equipar-se com as melhores práticas para garantir um café de qualidade e seguro ao consumidor.

O principal objetivo do selo é evitar contaminações que podem ocorrer na cadeia do café, sendo elas:

Física e alergênica, Química, Microbiológica
Através de um checklist com perguntas objetivas e específicas para o café, o fornecedor saberá se ele tem ou não condições de obter o selo e, caso não, saberá quais pontos precisa melhorar.

Our steps

This initiative seeks to guarantee good practices in the handling of coffee at all stages until it reaches the end user.
