

Fazenda Laranjal

Poços de Caldas


José Renato, Grupo Sertãozinho

Property name:

Fazenda Laranjal

Area of the farm:

330 ha

Area of coffee:

124 ha

Total Production:

3000 bags


1100m to 1550m

Processing method:

Natural, Pulped Natural and Semi-Washed

Drying method:

Concrete patios for washed and asphalts patios for natural


Mundo Novo / Catuaí / Yellow Bourbon / Icatu

História da Fazenda

Situated within the mountainous region of Poços de Caldas, Laranjal Farm has steep topography, volcanic soil and a mild climate. The farm was purchased by Sertãozinho Group in 2007, in order to fulfil its potential to produce the excellent specialty coffee that the area is famous for. This group has had many successful contributions to the Brazil Cup of Excellence.

The farm’s long-standing crops come as a result of a distinctive microclimate which enables them to grow exotic varieties of coffee. The 330 hectares of land that Laranjal is blessed with has rich fertile soils and a wonderful micro climate with ample rainfall. Brazilian coffee like this can be a significant component in a roaster’s menu especially if uses in espresso blends. Traditionally, most espresso recipes have included Brazil due to its characteristics: low acidity, high body, creamy, caramel, and chocolate notes, with a significant amount of sweetness. 

Fazenda Laranjal