

Nossa Senhora de Fátima



Ricardo Aguiar, Grupo Saquarema

Property name:

Fazenda Nossa Senhora de Fátima

Area of the farm:

370 ha ha

Area of coffee:

- ha

Total Production:

- bags



Processing method:

Natural and pulped natural

Drying method:

Greenhouses and paved terraces


Acaiá 474/19, Bourbon, Catuai 144, Catuaí 99, Catucaí Amarelo, IBC 12, Icatu 6282 and Mundo Novo

Farm Story

The Nossa Senhora de Fátima farm is located on the city of Perdizes, Alto Paranaiba Region, Cerrado vegetation area of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The Organic Coffee produced comes from Arabica Specie selected plants. All the process developed on the property is carefully followed by an Agronomist Engineer, ensuring a high-level quality and taste standard to the coffee.

All Activities aim to attend the organic compounds demand, giving sustainability to Organic Coffee production. The Coffee produced on Nossa Senhora de Fátima Farm, has on its taste outstanding features of Cerrado Vegetation such as: good body, delicate acidity, chocolaty flavor.

Nossa Senhora de Fátima